Oregon Secretary of State

Oregon Historical Records Index

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Record # Name sort results ascending Year sort results ascending Record Type sort results ascending County sort results ascending Source sort results ascending Number
237658 Nichols, Mary Jane 12/13/1856 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746584 Nichols, Mary Jane 12/13/1856 Delayed Birth Douglas County
746585 Emmit, Letha Ellen 04/02/1859 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237675 Emmitt, Letha Ellen 04/02/1859 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746586 Bishop, Zade Ann (Richardson) 02/03/1861 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237703 Bishop, Zadie Ann Richardson 02/03/1861 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746589 Staley, George Washington 12/18/1862 Delayed Birth Douglas County
746587 Calkins, Vera (Buckingham) 04/14/1863 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237739 Mahoney, James Francis 10/19/1863 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746588 Mahoney, James Francis 10/19/1863 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237740 Staley, George Washington 12/18/1863 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
237768 McKay, David Peter 01/05/1864 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746590 McKay, David Peter 01/05/1864 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237769 Cozad, Victor Gorham 05/03/1864 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746594 Finley, George 09/11/1864 Delayed Birth Douglas County
746591 Long, Martha Atterbury) 06/07/1865 Delayed Birth Douglas County
746592 Atril, Mary Agnes (Briggs) 06/12/1865 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237804 La Raut, Narcisse 07/20/1865 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
237805 Cozad, Evaline Frances 08/25/1865 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
237855 Shields, Benjamin Franklin 02/15/1866 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746595 Shields, Benjamin Franklin 02/15/1866 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237856 Crampton, Eliza Jane Dixon 03/04/1866 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
746593 Crampton, Eliza Jane (Dixon) 04/04/1866 Delayed Birth Douglas County
237857 Lay, Benjamin Savage 04/24/1866 Delayed Birth Douglas Health
237858 Barton, William Lee 07/15/1866 Delayed Birth Douglas Health

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